2023 Cap & Gown Sessions

May 6th, 2023


You’ve worked hard! Let’s celebrate your graduation!

A Cap and Gown session is a great way to celebrate and REMEMBER the accomplishment of graduation! These sessions are much smaller than a regular session with Wendy, with less prep and guidance, but can be an awesome way to get a few shots to remember the years of work you’ve put into your diploma (or your child’s - because let’s be honest- you’ve worked WAY longer than 4 years for your kiddo’s HS graduation!)

So here’s the details:

Saturday, May 6th @ Summerfaire Park, Turlock, C

Here is a link if you’d like to open google maps :

Google Maps to Summerfaire Park

You can park on the west side of the park, near the playground. The street is called Carousel Court and you can access it from Joett Street.

All sessions are about 30 minutes in length. You will need to provide your own cap and gown for the photoshoot. I have a black cap and gown, but if you want your own school colors, you’ll have to provide your own. We will get a variety of poses & candid shots in your cap and gown and we can do a few with whatever you are wearing under your gown as well. You can choose a nice dress or business wear, or jeans and a high-school/college T-shirt, it’s totally up to you!